video games are killing you.
video games are f*cking up your chances of success.
there is no hobby or habit in the world,
that will damage your chances of success like video games do.
-binge drinking.
all have less of an effect than video games do.
if you want to become successful,
you can't play them at all.
not even an hour.
and this is not because of the time spent on them,
but because of what they do to your brain.
your brain wants 2 things.
-to get dopamine.
-to avoid pain.
so when it sees you get insane hits of dopamine from video games with no pain involved.
this means that your brain won't let you do anything else to get dopamine,
and instead makes video games the priority.
this is because nothing will give you as much dopamine without any pain as video games.
your brain LOVES this dopamine so much, that it starts to look for ways to get more dopamine out of it.
so for hours after playing, you will still be thinking of ways to improve.
just to get more dopamine when you next play.
are you not concerned about how your brain is only thinking about video games and problem solving,
when it will bring nothing to your life?
this is why you won't be successful.
to be the best at something, you simply need to think about it the most.
if you're a basketball player who thinks about basketball 70% of the time,
you won't be better than a player who thinks about it 100% of the time.
and so if you think about success and ways to optimise your life and business in order to make more progress,
of course you will be successful.
when you're on the road to success, you will hit hard points that take a lot of creative thought to get past,
and the solutions to these problems won't come to you,
unless you're obsessed.
and if you're obsessed with video games,
which is guaranteed to happen due to way more dopamine coming from it,
you won't be obsessed with success and business,
meaning you won't make progress.
if you've ever succeeded in anything in life, it's probably because you thought about it non-stop.
with video games, whenever you thought about the game non-stop,
you probably came up with new, creative ways to improve.
this is what you need to do in real life.
because success is just encountering and solving problems until you get there.
but when you're playing video games, even a little bit,
they hijack that part of your brain.
and so you start obsessing over improving on video games instead of in real life.
at least when you're partying, you'll be thinking about it one time and not 24/7.
when you eat cake, you eat it and then you're done with it.
if you watch Netflix, you won't spend the rest of the day thinking about the show you're watching.
but video games simulate accomplishment and growth in a way that causes your brain to not stop thinking about it.
if you want successful, you need to think about it as much as possible.
and the worst way to hijack this, is with video games.
P.S. if you want to quit all your bad habits for good (quickly and easily),
and actually have an easier & more enjoyable journey to guaranteed success,
then I urge you to »Click Here Now«
that’s all for today.